Family: Family

ECCC Family & Friends

Every ECCC race is a huge social event, especially when the sun's shining. Most riders are at every race all day, and when they're not prepping their bike, warming up, or racing, they're watching teammates race or hanging out with friends on other teams. If you have family, friends or significant others competing in the ECCC and there's a race near you, you definitely want to come by---you'll get to see your rider putting it all out there in the sport they love, and you'll be able to hang out and enjoy the rest of the day together in a super fun, action packed social scene. All are welcome in the ECCC, cyclists or not, and many parents and other family routinely travel hundreds of miles to see their racers' target events. A good number even come to nearly every weekend!

These are some quick resources to help you plan to come watch a race:

Trip Planning

In addition, here are a few things to think about in coming out to a race:

Northeastern Party Van
Northeastern settles down for lunch. (:by Northeastern:)

Get Involved

The ECCC can always use more people; the following are some ways to get involved:

Northeastern Dual Slalom, 2007.
Dual Slalom at Northeastern's Sunday River race, 2007. (:by Jeff Gunn:)
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Page last modified on January 21, 2014, at 04:51 AM